“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” -John 10,10
The gift of human life is considered to be the greatest blessing from God, as we are made in His image and likeness. Our lives are therefore sacred. God further demonstrated the value of human life by sending His Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who became human and shared in our existence. Given the beauty and splendor of human life, it is essential for us to prioritize and honor its sanctity because it is indeed our responsibility to take care for one another. As God’s command tells us to love one another, we are trusted by God to take care of our neighbors, or shall we say, to look after our fellow human beings. Respecting human life is of utmost importance in both the teachings of the Church and society.
And the sad thing is that the culture of death can endanger human life through many offenses. This is the irony behind life. It is a shame and a sorrow that as faithful people, we have neglected the sanctity of human life and dignity, as well as our duties as stewards. We recognize that every womb and family is threatened by issues such as abortion and divorce, which undermine the sanctity of human life and the fundamental unit of society – the family. Regrettably, moral values have been eroded due to these violations against human life. It’s time to put an end to these challenges.
The Catholic faith offers us many ways to show respect for human life and each other. By defending the faith, family, and life, we ground human life doctrinal and remind ourselves that no power on earth can undermine our dignity as human beings. God is our loving creator and the abiding source in our quest for justice. Furthermore, Jesus Christ’s teachings remind us to respect and cherish human life by showing unconditional love for one another, including our enemies. This profound love safeguards our inherent dignity as individuals. Certainly, this pertains to our commitment to loving others by enhancing the quality of human life. Life and love are inseparable, and our mission is to protect and promote human life, which is God’s greatest gift of all.