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Last Thursday, I attended the mass for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The priest reminded us about Christ being our Light as well as Mary [and Joseph] who willingly journeyed with their Son even if it entailed piercing a sword in her heart. Upon reflecting, I was affirmed that the first ones who brought me to Christ, our light are my parents. They were like Joseph and Mary. Growing up as their youngest child, I have always been filled with much attention and love. They were the ones who exposed me to the Holy Mass, other church-related activities, and to a renewal organization which led me to know, love, and serve Christ. Whenever I go to church, I recall the times that I was younger and attending the mass with them, then I realized that I am here because they first brought me here. Currently, I cannot be with them daily since I am at another town for my college, but the values they have instilled in me regarding our faith and prioritizing our family are my constant guide. So how could I ever repay them? First, is by spending quality time with them and making sure that I visit them almost every weekend or celebrating a special occasion with them. Those moments bring a priceless glow in their eyes. Another way is by striving for excellence in my studies while inspired and driven by their endurance of providing everything to support me for my future. In addition, by generously giving them warm hugs and kisses as our greetings of hello and goodbye to show them affection. Moreover, by regularly praying for their holiness, happiness, and good health. Ultimately, by honoring and respecting them, along with seizing every moment with them.

My parents are the instruments who brought me into world and closer to Christ, and so this life is worthy to be lived with and for them.