Defining Your Why


At this age, I realized that it is important to define your ‘why’, your purpose, or the reason why you continue to journey in this life. Ang ating why ay isa sa mga bagay na pwede nating mabalikan sa mga pagkakataon na pinanghihinaan tayo o kaya hindi na natin alam kung may direksyon pa ba yung mga desisyon natin. (Our reason is one of the things that we can look back on during moments that we are so challenged and the times when we have no idea if our decisions are still leading somewhere.)  

Most of us have our own definition of ‘whys’. Tulad ko, mayroon din akong mga pwedeng balikan o pagsimulan ulit. (Like me, I also have my own ‘whys’ which I can hold on to and that would help me begin again.) 

And one thing that continues to remind me to go back to my ‘why’ when things are not clear anymore is the very life that I am living now with my family. Life isn’t and won’t always be easy. There were moments when I felt I was at the lowest point of my life, and the only thing I could do was simply acknowledge my feelings to be able to get up again. 

In times like this, I just wanted to be grateful that I could live despite the pain and slowly decide to move forward. Through this, I began to hope and wonder about what I could still possibly do or accomplish.

As I continue to move forward, I also realized that when we live our lives according to our purpose or what we were called to be by God to do, it could be the very proof of our most significant why and the One who created us. We were created by God, the Giver of Life. And when we appreciate our life, we would also know and see the value of the people who are close to us, especially our family. We can choose to love them better. At the end of the day, our lives, though imperfect, are much better when we have faith in God and our family. So let us appreciate them while we can because they are part of our whys, our purpose in this life.


A Vote for Life

It’s election season once again and the campaign period has officially started almost two weeks ago.  Both traditional and social media are abuzz with reports and stories concerning the upcoming elections.  A lot of commentaries have mentioned that this year’s elections is crucial given the current context of our country starting its exodus from the perils of the pandemic.

While most of the candidates’ platforms center around economic and social recovery plans from the pandemic, I observed that focus on pro-life issues is taken aside, worse, taken to the backseat.  While candidates are asked on their stance on pro-life issues like abortion, divorce and same-sex union during interviews, these are not given much media mileage; instead, shallow quibbles are highlighted.  At times when candidates’ stance on pro-life issues are highlighted, these are meant to advance an agenda – to applaud liberalist and modernist principles and/or mock the Church and her conservative values.

I’m not endorsing a candidate here, but as we choose our local and national leaders for the next 3 and 6 years, let’s use scrutinize them using a pro-life lens.  What is his/her stand on abortion? On divorce? Or euthanasia? On the use of artificial contraceptives? On SOGIE issues?  Yes, it is important for a candidate to have the adequate, if not, exceptional experience, credibility and competence, but let us not forget that above all, a leader must respect life as God has designed it.  For if a leader respects life, he will give his all to make our society a God-fearing one; in turn, a God-fearing society is a society that will be blessed.  This is promised in the Psalms – “Blessed in the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as his inheritance (Psalms 33:12)”.

In the end, what are our leaders for if our society is dead, or to borrow the title of the viral series – all of us are dead?

It’s time to uphold the beauty and importance of life by choosing leaders that gives supreme value to the sanctity of life and ensuring that national policies and actions are geared towards upholding the dignity of life.  Let’s make that vote for life this coming May elections.